One little piece of Scripture overlooked by the lectionary readings is the account Matthew adds to the Resurrection narrative, telling how the Jewish leaders bribed the Roman soldiers to give out the “someone stole the body” story. It’s a wonderful little bit of internal apologetic for the truth of the Resurrection and it ought not be missed. So I decided it to include it in this year’s Easter Gospel reading, making the text Matthew 28:1-15. I will focus a bit in the sermon on that devious plan to cover it all up.
Part of the wonder of the Resurrection message is that it is so resilient. A great deal of talk and ink and yes, money has been spilled forth to repress it, even again in recent years, but it keeps bouncing back with the resounding ring of truth.
“The truth will out,” is a Shakespeare line (“Merchant of Venice”) that applies especially to the Good News that Christ is risen. Just as the power of God must out Christ from the tomb, the truth that it has happened will inevitably out even in the midst of confusion and suppression.
Nothing displays the power of the Resurrection quite like the classic Greek icon with the risen Lord standing over Hell with His saints and lifting men and women from their graves. He’s standing on the broken down gates of Hell, which have fallen into the form of a cross or of the Greek letter chi, which of course is the first letter of Christ in Greek. Looking at what is represented in this painting we are reminded that the power of the event depicted is such that word of it cannot help but get out into the world.
The only question remaining is if the truth will out in us. Will we live in the marvelous power of the resurrected Lord, let Him be seen in our lives, or will we let the truth be covered up by weak confidence in what we profess? This Easter may we all be inspired again to let the truth that Christ is risen be known in and through us.
I LOVE this icon! See death, all bound and defeated at the bottom? And Jesus is literally PULLING Adam and Eve out of their graves…nothing gnostic about this resurrection. Power indeed! God bless you, dear, as you write and deliver this sermon.